Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Here we are, at that point where the double top is at its pinnacle. The high for the Dow in May was 11,675 and the equally crucial candlestick high was 11,642. Let the Dow hit these highs and let the reversal begin.

I’m sorry that today has little to do with the market, but I thought I would put out a quick F.Y.I. as I have been bogged down with homework, I have sold a couple of my positions, NBR & STP.

Both have excellent opportunities and I would still be in them if I could, but I needed to free some cash to purchase a tablet PC for school and business. I looked critically for a few weeks and finally picked the T4210 Tablet from Fujitsu.

I dropped NBR and STP because they were my longer term picks and I plan on staying more liquid. I still own NTDOY, DXD, AMGN, and SIRI.

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