Sunday, October 01, 2006

Pulse of my Predictions

Time to do a checkup and review of my suggestions.

SIRI – Buy on July 28th
Price then: 4.03
Price now: 3.92

Very little price action here, Sirius is still waiting for holiday season I assume. I used the weekly chart because it shows the supports/resistances better. Also it gives a good picture of its rising MACD action. SIRI will have to trade with its MACD sooner or later; lucky for you if you haven’t had a chance to pick up shares yet, now is your opportunity.

DXD – Buy on July 31st
Price then: 69.5
Price now: 64.7

I suggested this one as a hedge to make sure you’re not caught when the market drops. I’m still unwaveringly suggesting it. Some can call it stubborn, I’ll call it safe. DXD is now over 1/3 of my personal portfolio.

– Buy on August 15th
Price then: 66
Price now: 71.53

Smooth sailing with Amgen. If you’re still iffy on this one, consider this: The stock is showing a pennant pattern, it has a new 200DMA support, and the 50DMA is ready to cross the 200DMA (technical jargon meaning the uptrend will continue). This is a triple threat if I’ve ever seen one.

STP – Buy on Aug 20th
Price then: 30
Price now: 25.83

Suntech Power is down about 4 points since suggested. This is a volatile stock, and will likely pop back above its 50DMA soon. Last week showed a very large after hour trade when the stock went below 24. I’m wondering what institution/big money investor decided that the price was too cheap? Either way I agree.

NTDOY – Buy on Aug 9th
Price then: 23
Price now: 25.85

Still soaring and it’s not even the holiday. Nintendo will continue to do well.

I’ll allow LZB and WTR some time since I suggested them so recently.
Overall not bad, It looks like I have more losers than winners but that's only because the stocks I've closed out are not included.

Here are my closed positions:
RMD - 10% Gain
CHCI - 35% Gain (or break even if you bought before earnings)
HAL - 11% Gain
HANS - 33% Gain

If I stop now, I would have six gainers out of nine, so I'm keeping pace at 2/3 correct. But of course amount correct means nothing if you have larger losses in trades that went the wrong way. In this case, the average loser is 8% while the average gainer is 18%.

So far, so good. I'll take another look at the big picture when the year is over.


Ragin' Cajun said...

thanks for the comments on appl. I love other peoples insite.

l said...

My pleasure Cajun,
I'm always ready to debate stocks.

Anonymous said...

visit your blog everyday, very good information. Thanks very much!!!

Anonymous said...

Im in SDS at 69.50. Thats when the s&p was trading around 1280-1282. It will comeback down someday. Hopefully by 2nd qu 2007.

airborneintell said...

What is your take on what happened with SIRIUS today?