Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Random Stock Analysis

In these slower days near the end of summer, there are not many stocks out there enticing me, so today I’ve decided to entertain a few stocks thrown at me by a fellow trader at stockforlife.blogspot

If you have a stock you need analyzed, feel free to drop me an e-mail or add a comment.

Cabela’s (CAB) – I don’t like the outdoor retailers here, but with two strong supports this one might be considered for the longer term. There is not a lot of reward here short-to-medium term because most project this stock to reach 22 by Jan. The stock is nearing 20, so I’ve no interest. Also the Short % of float is 12.51, which tells us that volatility will make CAB’s moves unreliable. (As a technical trader reliability is key)

Cubic Corporation (CUB) - The charts on this one looked wonderful in November. Although the most recent quarter was excellent, we are dealing with a family owned company that has more potential than they will allow it. Erratic earnings and bad charts give me reason to think this is a short sell nominee; however this company is an obvious buyout candidate. CUB is below both of its 50 & 200 week moving averages. I would wait for a second good earnings announcement or a surprise catalyst before considering.

Abercrombie & Fitch Co. (ANF) – I was debating on this one mid August when it broke its 50DMA and sat on it for a week, but those of you who read this blog know I’m not one to buy a stock right before earnings. Earnings came out positive, and the stock is currently up around 63. I like the stock and think it can hit 70-75 by December. Personally, I’m not eager to get into retail with a recession coming, but this one will look fashionable if it comes back to 60 (its 200DMA).

Harris & Harris Group (TINY) A venture capital group investing in the future of technology; “tiny technology”. I have to say I had never head of this group until it was suggested yesterday, and last night I did enough research to write a small book on this one. The charts look perfect and I’m taking a position! Well… at least that’s what I thought last night. Today they took a jump over 10%. Damn. I can only hope that traders sell it back down near its 50DMA around 10, and then I’ll give it another look.

Always looking for the next trade so feel free to drop a stock.
I hope this was helpful.


airborneintell said...

Thank you for you analysis.

CUB -- CEO Mr. Walter J. Zable , is 90 years old. Once he is goon I think his family will sell out to LLL or GD.

CAB – I think this company will go privet eventually.

TINY – I am so mad at myself for not buying 2 days ago. I had an order in but I canceled it at the last minute.

I have some moor for you WWE, PNR, ISCA, TRIB and VICL.
Looking forward to hearing your analysis on these stocks.


airborneintell said...

Look at VICL and WWE today.
I keep missing them standing on the sidelines.