Friday, November 03, 2006

Things Cooling Off

Time to take another look at the Dow. Charts show some bearish news, as the MACD has pulled back to levels from the 1st of October. I annotated with a dotted line where the stock price should be at. I like the fact that the Dow broke its mid Bollinger band line (previously it's support). But I don't believe that we will fall below the 50DMA. Too many bullish nuts out there.

STP is for me. There is no way around it, solar power is undervalued. This is one of the only types of power that will never go out of style. Coal emissions will only get more strict, Nuclear Plants are not wanted near cities, populations keep growing. I don't see a more viable clean, efficient, renewable energy source anywhere. Long term players should stock up on STP at these levels. The stock is about a point above the long standing support around 23. This is no time to go soft on solar. I would stock up on Monday if I didn't already today.


airborneintell said...
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airborneintell said...

Christopher what is the expense ratio on DXD?

l said...

Take a look here
and check out that recent volume.

l said...

If part of that got chopped off, here:

airborneintell said...

thank you andrey...