Monday, November 20, 2006

Time to sell Nintendo and DXD

Take the good with the bad, and sell both positions today.

First off, Nintendo's hype is at its peak after its official launch ended today. I don't want to become victim of buy on the rumor sell on the news. Once we find out how great sales were with the initial launch, some investors may pull out. If you bought NTDOY when I suggested it at 23, you would have a 20.75% gain. The stock is currently at 27.75 with loads of momentum investors packed in. Sorry for the ugly Yahoo chart, but doesn't have ADR stocks listed.

Time to eat our loss on the UltraShort Dow30 (DXD). The Dow wont listen to reason and I don't have the time to sit on a position losing money. I'm throwing this sucker back in the pond and finding a better opportunity. If you bought DXD when I suggested at 69.5 you would have taken a 15.68% loss, as it now trades at 58.6. I still think we are overbought, but when so many people have money sitting on the sidelines and the market is the only place they want to put it, then your going to see a lot of people paying up for mediocrity.

Have a delicious Thanksgiving.

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